
2023年7月23日—TheYouTubeLiveDashboardisapowerfultoolthatallowsyoutomanageyourlivestreams.Itgivesyouaccesstoreal-timedataaboutyour ...,StreamingtoYouTubeviaLivestreamStudio.You...TherearetwowaysYouTubesupportsstreaming:eithertheirStreamNowoptionortheLiveEventsDashboard.,,Choosingthecorrectstreamsettingscanhelpyoureachtherightaudienceandgetthebestqualitystream.Note:Thisarticleisforstreamsusingan...

What is a guide to the YouTube Live Dashboard?

2023年7月23日 — The YouTube Live Dashboard is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your live streams. It gives you access to real-time data about your ...

Streaming to YouTube via Livestream Studio

Streaming to YouTube via Livestream Studio. You ... There are two ways YouTube supports streaming: either their Stream Now option or the Live Events Dashboard.

Manage live stream settings

Choosing the correct stream settings can help you reach the right audience and get the best quality stream. Note: This article is for streams using an ...

See your live stream's metrics

On desktop. You can check your stream's health and analytics while you're streaming in Live Control Room. From your stream dashboard, you can see: Stream ...

Live Stream Dashboard

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.

YouTube Live Dashboard

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.